Sunday, August 9, 2009

Playdate with Ms. Alyssa!!

While we were at the lakehouse, we missed Ms. Alyssa's fifth birthday party so we decided to have a playdate and our own party!! The guests in attendance were Alyssa, Connor and Daegan. Laney, Colby, Michele and Amy were there as well! While we had intended to spend the day poolside, the weather was less than agreeable. But, nonetheless we had a fun day together and can't wait to do it again soon!!

Princess Alyssa sporting the birthday hat Michele made. I can't wait to see the one she makes for Ray's birthday! :~)

Lunch at the less than famous "McDonald's". Chips and fruit were used to compliment the PB&J main course.

Alyssa opening her gifts. Good girl - she knew to open the cards first :~)

Big Smile!

School clothes - Yuck! But the game looks fun!!!

Three silly monkeys!

The cutest totem pole ever!!


Everyone got a turn!

This pyramid was a bit top heavy! But, everyone was determined!

The infamous "nap".....see Angie - all eyes are open, no blankets and plenty of light!

Okay - so there is a blanket!

Arts and crafts on a minutes time. Making monsters out of macaroni after having heard "Another Monster at the End of this Book! Brilliant idea really.
Off to start planning the next playdate!!!

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